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Resolved diplomatic crisis between the Empire of Karnia-Ruthenia and the Kingdom of Ebenthal.

Foto do escritor: Conference of SantiagoConference of Santiago

The Secretary General of the Conference of Santiago served as mediator for the resolution.

Today (July 16) the talks between the Kingdom of Ebenthal and the Empire of Karnia-Ruthenia to resolve the crisis involving the Kingdom of Roschfallen concluded. The meetings lasted five days and were mediated by the Secretary-General of the Conference of Santiago, His Majesty Thomas, King of Quinta Velha.

In the early hours of Friday (8 July), the Regent of Roschfallen violated the Treaty of Viden by appointing, without consultation to the Imperial Government of Karnia-Ruthenia, a head of state for Roschfallen. It so happens that the "elect king" for Roschfallen is a dynast of the House of Brum and nephew of His Majesty, the King of Ebenthal, which went against the previously agreed between the signatories. Unable to pacify the issue, Emperor-King Oscar, of Karnia-Ruthenia, with the consent of the King of Ebenthal, Arthur II, invoked the mediation of the Conference of Santiago for the dispute. With that, the Secretary-General took over the negotiations in search of a fair resolution for both parties.

After days of negotiation, the Resolution of Santiago do Sacramento was concluded, a Treaty that pacifies the issue between the countries. With this, Prince Theo of Ebenthal is appointed King of Roschfallen, with a regency to govern in his name, headed by Mr Lucas Ribeiro.

However, it is still up to the Crown Prince of Roschfallen to accept the throne, and if he is refused, Mr. Lucas Ribeiro will take over as Regent until the form of government to be adopted is defined.

As compensation for violating the Treaty of Viden, the Kingdom of Ebenthal will pay the Karno-Rutheno Empire the sum of KM 1,000,000.00 (one million Kupfermarks of Ebenthal), to be paid in single title that the Karno-Ruthenian Government undertakes not to redeem and not to withdraw from circulation in Ebenthal for 2 (two) years.

Accepting the proposal, the Treaty was ratified in the early hours of the 15th and 16th of July, as usual in the work of the Conference of Santiago.

This is the first time that the Conference has been invoked to mediate micronational conflicts and the works were considered of the highest level.

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